Friday, November 1, 2013

A Detailed Update

Sorry it has been several weeks since I have updated this blog. I have had a lot going on in my life. My grandfather had open heart surgery, and he was doing badly for a little while. He had the surgery in the beginning of October. Before that, I was feeling sick, so I just had enough strength to go to work, come home and go to sleep. I had that chronic fatigue going on again. It never fails.

Nothing really special has happened, though. I am still having serious issues with my bowels. I had diarrhea most of the time, but I had some constipation mixed in. I did not go to the bathroom for four days straight, and it was painful. I thought I was going to have to go to the clinic if I could not get myself to go. I took some meds, and I finally went.

So, I am going to add some posts that I have been meaning to post over the past few weeks. I am going to share some experiences from my past and am going to provide some useful tips. So, I hope you enjoy reading.

O, and I forgot to let all of you know that I do not have Diabetes. That is some real good news! My problems are due to problems that my Chronic Systemic Candida has caused. I did get some antifungal meds from the doctor and am sticking to a strict diet. I am doing much better now with that.

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